
Some articles about herbs

  • Harvesting Rosemary

    In my garden, right next to the cottage I have a large rosemary bush. Every year I harvest that rosemary to dry it and preserve it for later use and give some of it to my friends. I learned some basic things about when and how to do harvest rosemary without killing the plant, and what to avoid in
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  • How to Prune Rosemary

    Pruning rosemary plants and bushes are necessary at least once a year to make sure the plant is kept healthy, lives longer, and is formed in a nice shape. If you don’t prune rosemary regularly, the plant will eventually get woody, will produce fewer leaves and flowers. In this article, I will give you some
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  • How to Grow Rosemary from Cuttings

    Rosemary propagation from cuttings is an affordable and easy way of obtaining new plants. Instead of buying the new plant, just take cuttings from the old one, the mother plant, and transplant it in your garden. In this article, I am explaining how to root your rosemary cuttings in a simple way without using any rooting powder.
    Read more > How to Grow Rosemary from Cuttings
  • How to Store Dried Sage

    Once your sage is harvested and dried, the next thing to do is to store it the right way until you are ready to use it. Depending on how much of the sage you dried, you can choose several options to store. From my experience, the best option is to choose an air-tight container that
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  • Wild Fennel

    I’m lucky enough to be able to go outside my front door and be in the fields and hills of the countryside in a few minutes. In this article, I just want to share with you some things and experiences about wild fennel, one of the most common herbs that grow on the island where
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  • How to Save Basil Seeds

    In this tutorial, I will show you how to harvest basil seeds from plants and how to save seeds to be ready for seeding in the next seeding season. Step by step guide Step 1 – Cut basil flowers, the top bits of the basil plant, (as in the above photo), place it on the
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  • How to Dry Sage

    Drying wild sage leaves and flowers and foraging them in the fields is something which I regularly do in the springs. I collect as much as I can leaves and flowers of this lovely and aromatic herb and later on when dried, I use the dry flowers and leaves for cooking and making tea. Here
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  • Immortelle (Dwarf Everlast)

    Living in the dry climate of the Mediterranean is giving me a great opportunity to grow my own immortelle plants. Immortelle is also known as Dwarf Everlast or Helichrysum italicum (Latin). Sometimes it is also called Curry plant but to be honest, I am not sure if this is exactly the same species as one I am now growing
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  • Sage

    As this piece of land was completely wild when I inherited it, there were numerous wild sage plants dotted around the area. I decided to keep most of them while some of the plans I replanted in the spaces that are more suitable. In the hilly, dry and rocky areas in the Mediterranean, where I am
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  • Rosemary

    My rosemary mini garden: Last year I planted 10 rosemary plants that I grew from cuttings along the side of my cottage. They are now already fully grown plants with lovely purple flowers. Rosemary: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Rosemary As this herb is a native to the Mediterranean region it took them only one year to
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