Almond Trees

Freshly planted Almond Trees

My almond trees: This year I planted 7 almond trees on the land that I inherited. This piece of land was not cultivated for about 70 years. It took me just a couple of weeks to clear this part of the land and prepare it to be ready for planting.

Piece of land that I cleared and planted almond trees

Below photo: Young almond trees and lavender plants that I grew from cuttings in my patio, ready to be transported to the land and replanted into the ground.

Young almond trees and lavender plants that I grew from cuttings in my patio, ready to be transported to the land and replanted into the ground

Update: This year is a first-year that I harvested some almond fruits (photos to follow). I started with using them in my recipes. See how I make dried figs stuffed with almonds and coated in dark chocolate

Articles about Almonds

  • Dormant Oil Sprays On Fruit Trees

    Spraying fruit trees in winter with dormant oil spray is an essential part of fruit tree care, for insect and fungus management. The mixture of white oil and copper fungicide is applied during the dormant season (winter), preferably late winter, up until a couple of days before buds open, to prevent pests and disease in
    Read more >> Dormant Oil Sprays On Fruit Trees
  • Storing Almonds

    Once your almond nuts are harvested, hulled, and properly dried, it is time now to find the best storage option to keep almonds fresh and safe to consume. You can choose to store either shelled or unshelled almonds. That means that you will now need to decide should you remove the shells or should you
    Read more >> Storing Almonds
  • Harvesting Almond Trees

    I have only eight almond trees that I planted a few years ago. At present they are four years old trees that don’t produce yet a lot of almonds nuts to harvest. That’s why I pick them manually. In the last few years since I have them, I learned some important things about when and
    Read more >> Harvesting Almond Trees
  • How to Plant an Almond Tree

    How to plant an almond tree is a question that I struggled with just a few years ago. Before I inherited this piece of land I never planted any trees. However, I made some research, and by doing it several times since I am now confident that the best way to plant the almond tree is as I described
    Read more >> How to Plant an Almond Tree